Event Submission Class

With permission from the crown there will be a mandatory event submissions class October 19th @ 7pm via Zoom.
Each branch’s seneschal is expected to be there, as well as one other officer per branch. (*) Anyone interested is welcomed to attend.

Class duration is expected to be under 1 hour.

Avacal Calendar Officer

(*) If you have scheduling conflicts please contact the Kingdom Calendar officer at calendar@avacal.org to make other arrangements.

From the King and Queen

Thank you to all of Avacal from Your King and Queen. Her Majesty Eyoddi and I are humble by your service to and love of this Kingdom. So many wonderful events at Crown this past weekend.

Congratulations first to Our Heirs Prince Ellias and Princess Kiera. Both fought fiercely and with Your combined skill and experience ruling this Kingdom, We know that Avacal will be in good hands.

To the Silver Griffins, Hrogn and Astrid, you both also fought fiercely and We know that it is only a matter of time until you will also rule this Kingdom.

We cannot describe the honor and privilege that it was to be able to elevate such worthy and noble peers. When fighting in Crown I admit the desire to elevate My Ispiration to be Queen. But I never realized how incredible it was to be able to be a small part of the recognition of the your deeds.

Thank you Catra, Amery, and Hamelin for allowing us to be the ones to formally recognize all that you have done for Avacal and the SCA.

A new Youth Champion was brought to us on the winds. Vesla has already begun to gather wordfame. I am excited to see how you work to promote youth combat in Avacal over your term as Our Champion.

Finally a thank you to event stewards, heralds, marshalls, archers, teachers, bards, gards, artisans, merchants, organizers and volunteers and every other person too numerous to list who contributed in any and ever way to making Our Crown event something we will always remember. Our reign is half done but these moments we share last in fond memory until the end of time.

Gunther Rorikson, King
Eyoddi Lokadottir, Queen

Greetings from Their Royal Majesties

Our final missive is one of gratitude.

We find ourselves lacking the words to convey the gratitude we feel for this opportunity to be the Crowns of Avacal.  We enjoyed the opportunity to travel this Kingdom as your Sovereigns. Getting to see the populace and give recognition to Our talented Avacalians is a joy. We would not have been able to do this without the help and support of so many. To say thank you is not enough. But it does need to be said. Thank you to our retinue, to the Kingdom officers for keeping things running smoothly, to the makers that donated largesse and gifts, and to the people of Avacal for your support. We are honored to have been your King and Queen. We wish Their Royal Highnesses the best in their upcoming reign.

In service to Avacal and the Dream, now and always. 

Kvigr and Svava King and Queen of Avacal

Winter Crown Pre-Registration

Good Day Avacal Armoured Fighters!
It’s that time again, Crown is Coming!
Crown is being held in Myrgan Wood on February 18, 2023 and pre-registration is now OPEN for the Crown Tournament.
Save time at the table, send the following information to lists@avacal.org to pre-register:

Fighter Name
Membership # & expiration date
Preferred title & Fealty (eg. Squire to, Man at arms to)
Inspiration Name
Membership # & expiration date

Pre-Registration will close on February 15

Their Majesties request letters of intent be presented during the processional.

Maestren Adelheid Holtzhauer, OL
Mistress of the Lists

Membership Renewal Portal Temporarily Down

It has been brought to our attention that with the website down some people can not renew their memberships on the SCA Website portal. We have spoken to the society senechal about a possible allowance for people to not have their memberships for crown as long as they get them as soon as the website is back up and running. This will NOT be allowed, because there is another option. One most of us have not used in some time but it still exists. You can renew and/or get a new membership by E-mail. With Crown only 3 weeks away there is still time to use this option, so we encourage everyone that needs to, to use the email option as soon as possible. I would hate to see anyone that wanted to be competing in Crown be sitting on the sidelines.

Kvigr & Svava
King and Queen

You can fill it out and email it to: membership@sca.org

From the King and Queen

Greetings Avacal,

We have enjoyed our time serving Avacal as her Sovereigns! Our time is drawing to an end as your Crown, and we hope you will join our last court and the Coronation of our heirs, Kvigr and Svava, in the Barony of Montengarde.

As the fall harvest and winter draws near, we may see less of each other. Have no fear; we will all be looking forward to spring and summer when we can gather safely again, raise our glasses, and shout, “Avacal! Together We conquer!”

Enjoy yourselves, and above all else, be kind to each other!

Until we meet again,

Wernar II and Sadb I
King and Queen

Avacal Advocacy Council

Avacal is seeking 2-6 people for the position of Advocate Council.  The Avacal Advocacy Council will address situations when a member of the populace needs help understanding their options should they feel they are being mistreated.  The role of the Advocacy Council is to support the populace member in addressing their concerns respectfully to support a healthy culture within Avacal.  This support can help members to navigate kingdom laws and policies, listen to concerns, offer advice such as SCA policy and procedure options, and assist with conflict resolution.

One member of the Advocacy Council shall be the Avacal DEI officer.

Responsibilities of the Advocacy role:

  • Be willing to be approached during events, meetings or outside SCA formal events to assist with managing interpersonal conflict between populace members in an advisory role.
  • Actively listen to the concern of the populace member and validate facts by asking clarifying questions.
  • Offer feedback, where appropriate, and, if needed, support the design of scripting to address conflict by focusing on facts and the situation’s impact.
  • They may be present with the populace member when they approach the other party in the efforts to resolve the conflict.

Considerations for this position:

  • Be considered by others to be approachable, open and willing to engage in dialogue.
  • Feels confident to partner with the DEI office, as required.
  • Comfortable with conflict, the ability to be objective, listen for facts and assumptions, and offer coaching to address the issue at hand.
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills and the ability to manage conflict without creating barriers
  • Be non-judgemental and keep the confidence of the people involved
  • Receive direction from the Kingdom Seneschal as per the grievance procedure/bullying and harassment policy requirement, etc.
  • Dependable access to email and phone.
  • Strong ability to build and maintain relationships across all peerages.
  • We are skilled at working collaboratively with all leadership across Avacal, including the Crown, Kingdom Seneschal, Baron and Baronesses, all group-level seneschals, etc.
  • Attend training to become skilled in Advocacy Training which includes: active listening, effective feedback, and managing conflict.

All officer positions must be paid by members of the SCA.

Please submit your mundane and SCA resume to the Kingdom Seneschal at seneschal@avacal.org.

Applications will be received until January 31, 2023.

Thank you!

Wernar and Sadb
King and Queen

From the King and Queen

Greetings Avacal,

What a lovely Fall Crown! Congratulation to our heirs, Kvigr and Svava. Their coronation will take place in the Barony of Montengarde.

To everyone who entered our lists, well done! The heat of the day indeed showed your intent and skill. Thank you to the event team for doing a brilliant job making Fall Crown a fun and successful event!

Please join us in welcoming Isidore Illegitimus and Amya Lyghtfot, who will become Baron and Baroness of Myrganwood at MW Anniversary.

We want to remind our populace that we would love to recognize those worthy of reward. We were hoping you could send in recommendations as we do not see all our populace’s great words and deeds.

Wernar II and Sadb I
King and Queen