The Minutes from Curia at September Crown are now available:
Category: Crown Tournament
From the King and Queen
Thank you to all of Avacal from Your King and Queen. Her Majesty Eyoddi and I are humble by your service to and love of this Kingdom. So many wonderful events at Crown this past weekend.
Congratulations first to Our Heirs Prince Ellias and Princess Kiera. Both fought fiercely and with Your combined skill and experience ruling this Kingdom, We know that Avacal will be in good hands.
To the Silver Griffins, Hrogn and Astrid, you both also fought fiercely and We know that it is only a matter of time until you will also rule this Kingdom.
We cannot describe the honor and privilege that it was to be able to elevate such worthy and noble peers. When fighting in Crown I admit the desire to elevate My Ispiration to be Queen. But I never realized how incredible it was to be able to be a small part of the recognition of the your deeds.
Thank you Catra, Amery, and Hamelin for allowing us to be the ones to formally recognize all that you have done for Avacal and the SCA.
A new Youth Champion was brought to us on the winds. Vesla has already begun to gather wordfame. I am excited to see how you work to promote youth combat in Avacal over your term as Our Champion.
Finally a thank you to event stewards, heralds, marshalls, archers, teachers, bards, gards, artisans, merchants, organizers and volunteers and every other person too numerous to list who contributed in any and ever way to making Our Crown event something we will always remember. Our reign is half done but these moments we share last in fond memory until the end of time.
Gunther Rorikson, King
Eyoddi Lokadottir, Queen
Winter Crown Pre-Registration
Good Day Avacal Armoured Fighters!
It’s that time again, Crown is Coming!
Crown is being held in Myrgan Wood on February 18, 2023 and pre-registration is now OPEN for the Crown Tournament.
Save time at the table, send the following information to to pre-register:
Fighter Name
Membership # & expiration date
Preferred title & Fealty (eg. Squire to, Man at arms to)
Inspiration Name
Membership # & expiration date
Pre-Registration will close on February 15
Their Majesties request letters of intent be presented during the processional.
Maestren Adelheid Holtzhauer, OL
Mistress of the Lists